News Letter update 3

Feburary 15th 2025

Dear Internet

GURL reviews are raving over last weeks update im glad you all love my antics that much. Im writting this as a heavy snow storm starts its way to my town so if i for some reason die within the frost id like to reffer you all to my online will pending legal action.

Welcome to this weeks segment of

Juniors Will

ok lets start with the easy stuff, I leave all my books to Lily Klein all books on other worldy topics or books she doesn't want can be given to the local nunery to scare them. I leave all of my stuffed animals to Brianna Velez I also leave her my spare fake teeth and eyes so she may continue the family profession of making freaks out of fabric. I leave my computer, phone and digital workings to the local poor people organization but wipe my stuff off them first cause the kids dont have to read my twighlight x harry potter fanfictions. I leave all of my trinkets and small expressions of my interests to Ellie so she can find a new place to hide all the junk I horded. I leave my collection of harry style posters that no one knew about to Micheal Benya just to mess with him. I leave my clothing and amazing sense of style to the theater prop room except my really good fits have those burried with me cause aint no one wearing my cardigans and my AMAZING overalls. I leave my mahjong set to Jeannette Rinard it will serve to keep her mind sharp and dementia away. I leave all my money summing up to 0.50 USD to the local orphanage please only give them 2 pennies every month I don't want them getting greedy. I leave my plants to Jaime and Tabitha so they may share the joy of co parenting my succulents. I leave my general sense of joy and whimsy to that one mcdonalds worker that gave me my order but slipped me a chicken nugget cause they were closing and they didnt wanna throw it away your a real one Samantha. Ok I think thats it? if you got anything you want that I didnt list go ahead and drop those in the comment section Ill let you guys fight that out.

WE SURVIVED THE ICE STORM!!! Were back at school right now but we did get a two hour delay plus our cancellation yesterday!

I take back absolutely all of my will stuff guys the orphans dont need it.

this week junior is going MOBILE thats right guys im going on 4 whole field trips [so many permission slips its not even funny]

First field trip is actually tommorow ill be going to Sweet Water! I have no idea who they are but slay

Next field trip after that is to Manchester Univerisity I hear their food might be good

The 28th guys I AM GOING TO BALL STATE WOOOOOOOOW My dream college!! They accepted me into their honors program and their theater creation major so I am EXCITED

I swear of my pet rock dave that ill keep updating even when im a big shot in college